The fruit of Silence is Prayer
The fruit of Prayer is Faith
The fruit of Faith is Love
The fruit of Love is Service
The fruit of Service is Peace
Spiritual Formation
As a Catholic parish and school, 我们帮助家庭在与基督和教会的信心关系中成长. Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 和天主教社会教义是我们教学的基础. 学生通过宗教指导、服务、礼拜和祈祷来学习. 天主教的真理和价值观被整合在所有课程中,以便学生获得日常生活的独特视角.
- 每日由学生在广播晨间广播时带领祷告, Angelus at noon, and afternoon prayer
- Prayer at the beginning of each class
- Weekly School Mass
- School Mass on Holy Days of Obligation
- Visits to the Grotto
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
- Reconciliation for 3rd - 8th grade
- All Saints Day Celebration
- Advent show focused on the birth of Christ
- Catholic Schools Week Celebration
- The Living Rosary for the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
- The Way of the Cross during Holy Week
- Student Retreats
Sacramental Preparation
- 二年级第一次和解的准备和接待
- 二年级学生预备及领受第一次圣餐
- 准备和接收七年级的确认
- May Crowning of Mary
PK 3
Book: Stories of God's Love - 3 and 4 (Benziger)
The students learn:
- Jesus and my teacher welcome me.
- God knows and loves me.
- God gives us all that is good.
- Jesus is God's Own Son.
- I Belong to my Church family.
- I tell God I love him.
整整一年,学生们都在听圣经中彩乐园应用下载上帝之爱的故事. 他们开始学习宗教物品或圣礼, the Holy Family, and start learning to do the sign of the cross.
PK 4
Book: Stories of God's Love - 4 and 5 (Benziger)
The students learn:
- God knows and loves us.
- God gave us the world.
- Jesus is God's own Son.
- God gives us our Church family.
- We talk to God in prayer.
- We celebrate holy days and holidays.
一整年,孩子们都会听圣经里彩乐园应用下载上帝之爱的故事. They learn what is the Bible, the cross and the advent wreath, 练习十字架的标志,并继续了解神圣的家庭. They also learn about the rosary and pray the rosary.
Book: We Believe - God Made the World (Sadlier)
幼儿园的重点是学习耶稣的创造、生命和教导如何反映上帝的爱. Throughout the year, 培养学生像耶稣那样与人合作、工作和关爱他人的能力. 这是通过学习如何表达尊重、善良和同情来实现的. 他们不但每天为自己祷告,也为别人祷告. Students will also learn about the liturgical year, 庆祝弥撒和探索洗礼和圣体圣事.
They learn:
- God gives us many gifts.
- God is our creator.
- Jesus shows us God's love.
- Jesus wants us to share God's love.
1st Grade
Book: We Believe - God Loves Us (Sadlier)
The focus of Grade 1 is the love God has for us. Throughout the year, 学生们将了解我们的信仰,并理解作为耶稣的追随者, we belong to the Church. 他们将通过庆祝弥撒来庆祝和实践我们的信仰, praying everyday, 与他人分享他们的信仰,选择对所有人表达爱和尊重.
They learn:
- Jesus teaches us about God's love.
- We are followers of Jesus .
- We belong to the Church.
- We celebrate and live our faith.
2nd Grade
Book: We Believe - Jesus Shares God's Life (Sadlier)
二年级的重点是耶稣和他如何分享他的生命. 在这一年里,学生们将学习他们的信仰,并庆祝弥撒和圣礼. They will live their faith by praying everyday, 与他人分享信仰,选择表达爱和尊重. 学生们还将接受第一次和解和第一次圣餐的圣礼.
They learn:
- Jesus Christ is with us always.
- Jesus calls us to penance and reconciliation.
- Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist.
- We live our Catholic faith.
3rd Grade
Book: We Believe - We Are the Church (Sadlier)
The focus of Grade 3 is the Church. 学生将了解教会在每个时代都接受了传福音的使命, 透过教理讲授的事工,宣讲耶稣的福音. Throughout the school year, 他们会感激耶稣赐给我们教会,并呼召我们作门徒. 我们成为带领我们敬拜的教会的成员.
They learn:
- Jesus gives us the Church.
- We are members of the Church.
- The Church leads us in worship.
- We are called to discipleship.
4th Grade
Book: We Believe - God's Law Guides Us (Sadlier)
The focus of Grade 4 is morality. 课程内容超出了三年级的内容,还包括了八福和十诫的学习. Throughout the school year, 耶稣作为基督徒生活和爱的典范呈现给学生. Also, 道德价值观是通过观察那些按照这些价值观生活的人的生活而得到鼓励的.
They learn:
- Growing in Jesus Christ.
- The Commandments help us to love God.
- The Commandments help us to love others.
- We are called to holiness.
5th Grade
Book: We Believe - We Meet Jesus in the Sacraments (Sadlier)
The focus of Grade 5 is the Seven Sacraments. 学生们将学习七圣礼中的每一件, the root of each sacrament in Scripture, and the way each is celebrated in the Church today. 他们将学习在庆祝每个圣礼时使用的符号和仪式, 并感谢在每一次圣礼中,我们与耶稣基督相遇,并接受恩典的礼物,去做正确的事. In addition, 他们将加深他们的祈祷经验,学习天主教的虔诚和使用圣礼. 学生们也将学习像耶稣那样去爱和服侍,并邀请其他人跟随耶稣.
They learn:
- Jesus Christ shares his life with us.
- The sacraments of Initiation.
- The sacraments of Healing Restore Us.
- 我们要像耶稣那样去爱和服侍——服务或承诺的圣礼.
6th Grade
Book: We Believe - We Are God's People (Sadlier)
The focus of our Grade 6 program is the Old Testament. 学习希伯来圣经使孩子们接触到我们信仰的根源. As sixth graders, their attempts to understand who God is, 更倾向于理性而不是想象. 尽管如此,想象力在他们对上帝的理解中仍然扮演着重要的角色. Therefore, Bible stories, role-playing, 音乐和诗歌将被用来加深他们与上帝的关系.
They learn:
- Salvation history.
- God forms the covenant.
- Building the covenant nation.
7th Grade
Book: We Live Our Faith - As Disciples of Jesus (Sadlier)
我们七年级课程的重点是新约和圣礼. 七年级的学生将认识到耶稣是一个在他的身份和目的感中长大的人, much as they do. 他们将会遇到耶稣,耶稣是一个信任天父的人,他向我们展示了接受和服从天父旨意的道路. 学生们还将欣赏当代天主教对圣经的理解,并为他们提供工具,以避免扭曲真正的天主教教义和圣经本身的原教旨主义倾向. In addition, 学生们正在准备坚振圣事, they will explore the Church's liturgy, 特别是七件圣事,使教会的礼仪生活成为自己的.
They learn:
- Who is God?
- Who is Jesus?
- How is Jesus Christ Alive in the Church Today?
- The Seven Sacraments.
8th Grade
Book: We Live Our Faith - As Members of the Church (Sadlier)
我们八年级课程的重点是道德和教会. 这个项目的初衷是希望有效地服务我们的年轻人,引导他们走上信仰之路, 邀请他们进入信仰的奥秘和门徒的挑战. 它将强调以下教导:形成良好的良心, 通过十诫和八福学习尊重上帝的律法, responsibility for our gift of free will, and our call to holiness. 这是通过让学生参与各种祈祷来实现的, projects and worship experiences, also by the use of media and music.
Students learn:
- To respond to God's love.
- Make moral choices.
- Follow God's laws.
- Love God and Others.
- Honor life and creation.
- Respect for all people.
- The early Church.